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Rich in Protein No Cholesterol No Additives
Helps reduce chronic diseases Naturally-harvested
The iron found in lima beans can help prevent iron-deficiency anemia. Helthy & Hygenic And Qual
Moong is an abundant source of good quality protein, which is a building block of the body and promo
Peanuts are rich in energy Good source of dietary protein Compose fine quality amino acids that
Dry green peas are packed with nutrients like iron, calcium and other bone building minerals. This p
Premium quality Roasted bengal gram Highly nutritious super food best for cooking and baking
They are gluten free.Add to your daily breakfast.Healthy and tasty snacks option.Improves digestive
Roasted Peanuts-You can have great health benefits from eating peanuts each day. Peanuts can be a gr
Rich in Nutrients: Green Moong Dal is naturally rich in protein Unpolished: Does not undergo any ar
100% Vegan | Gluten Free | No Additives | Unpolished Arhar Dal is also known as Toor dal or red gr